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Member Since Jan 2022

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Reviews from guests

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 total
Clara Magana

Clara Magana

06/21/2024 08:19

7 Churches of the Apocalypse Tour

I was privileged to take this tour in 2020 during the pandemic. Except for Pamukkale, I pretty much had all the church ruins to myself. It was a blessed solemn experience. The tour guides were very knowledgeable and respectful. With God's blessing, surely I will return.
Marie Matthie

Marie Matthie

06/10/2022 18:48


It was a wonderfully organized trip with beautiful scenery. The tour guide was very knowledgeable about the region and history and did a wonderful job providing such a cultural experience!
irina taytona

irina taytona

03/29/2022 14:19

best of

real holiday with you. white rock travel is very hospitable, kind people in all service to us. I recommend you do not need to look for another agency..
alex obryen

alex obryen

02/17/2022 00:26


Pamukkale is really beautiful and very white. The water and healing waters in it are very relaxing. thanks whiterockturkey
alex turkey

alex turkey

01/06/2022 09:41

new year experience

it was great was very good flight with hot air balloon.but importiance for balloon was rezervasion.because it was full of space but whiterock find me space and not waste my time
Aizhan tynysova

Aizhan tynysova

01/06/2022 09:10


Осталась очень довольна туром. Агенство работает очень профессионально и слаженно, предоставили очень приятного русско-говорящего Гида. Очень внятно рассказали историю возникновения античного города Иеарополиса, как возникли травертина. Спасибо White rock travel следующие туры обязательно организую только с вами.
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 total