


Sirince is a village just a few km’s away from Selcuk. The original name of this village was Kirkinca. In time it changed into Kirkince, Cirkince and Sirince in the end. It is a Greek/Turkish village, but the Greek[...]
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PAMUKKALE Pamukkale town is 22 km’s from Denizli city center. It is a famous tourist destination because of its hidden beauties and historical value. Despite we remember white calcium terraces and hot waters when we[...]
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The Temple of Hadriant

The Temple of Hadriant

The Temple of Hadrian This is one of the small but very attractive edifices on Curetes street consisting  of a monumental Pronaos where a statue of emperor Hadrian used to stand in the past ,and a Naos. From the inscription on the[...]
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New PostThe Curetes Street

New PostThe Curetes Street

The Curetes Street   The street begins from the celsius library, reaches the junction of mounts Panayir and Bulbul after sloping to the southeast, then turns to the state agora and ends at the Heracles gate. This street[...]
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Ephesus (Ancient Greek: Ἔφεσος Ephesos, may have ultimately derived from the Hittite Apasa) was an ancient Greek city on the western coast of Anatolia, three kilometers southwest of the[...]
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